The Plight of Forgotten Souls- South African Potent and Negleted Voters Like Me

This essay is about (The Plight of Forgotten Souls:). Exploring the disillusionment and disenfranchisement experienced by many South African voters who feel abandoned by the political system. Discussing and evaluating the broken promises and unmet expectations that have led to a sense of desolation and despair among these individuals.

In the myriad of South Africas politics of confusing the masses and an literate person like me, many individuals find themselves akin to being forgotten souls adrift in a sea of disillusionment. Imagine a solitary tree standing in the barren desert, its branches heavy with the weight of unmet expectations and broken heart and failed promises, for wanting to be watered?

Each leaf on this forlorn tree represents a voter, once hopeful and eager, now disheartened, despondent, and desolate. They had pinned their aspirations on political parties they believed would champion their cause, only to find themselves deflated, crestfallen, and deserted in the wake of unfulfilled pledges and faked and forged manifestoes,

A. They are unable to fight and remove simple - Foreign Drug Lords from our Country!

In case you don't know who writes these aticles and blogs - This is me inside my soul

These unregistered members who lost faith in the system, like fallen petals scattered in the wind, feel defeated, rejected, and neglected by the very entities they entrusted with their dreams. They wander through the political wilderness, forsaken, abandoned, and misunderstood, their voices drowned out by the clamor of vested interests.

Like shadows cast aside by the light, they are overlooked, unloved, and unacknowledged, shunned, excluded, and marginalized from the corridors of power. Their grievances remain unheard, their struggles unnoticed, as they languish on the fringes of society, unsupported, unvalued, and unesteemed.

In the tapestry of democracy, they are the threads left unraveled, the faces unseen, the voices unheard. They are the ones sidelined, alienated, and unwanted, relegated to the sidelines of a political arena that offers them no solace, no sanctuary, and no sense of belonging.

Yet, amidst this melancholy, there is a flicker of resilience, a spark of determination that refuses to be extinguished. Like seeds dormant in the soil, they wait for the opportune moment to rise, to reclaim their place in the sun.

For even in the depths of despair, there lies the potential for change, the possibility of renewal. They may feel unfulfilled and unwanted today, but tomorrow is a blank canvas waiting to be painted with the hues of their aspirations.

So let them not be disheartened, but rather emboldened by their plight. Let them not be defeated, but inspired by the challenges they face. For in their unity lies the power to reshape the political landscape, to demand accountability, and to forge a future where every voice is cherished, every dream valued, and every soul esteemed.

Disheartened, Despondent, Desolate, Deflated, Crestfallen,  Deserted, Defeated, Rejected, Neglected, Forsaken, Abandoned, Misunderstood, Overlooked, Unloved, Unacknowledged, Ignored, Shunned, Excluded, Forsworn, marginalized, Discarded, Sidelined, Alienated, Unwanted, Neglected, Uncherished, Unsupported, Unvalued, Unesteemed, Unnoticed, Unattended, Unwanted, Isolated, Unfavored, Disregarded, Unadmired, Unpopular, Unregarded,  Unaccepted, Unfulfilled, Unwanted.

About South Africas political parties and why they will all fail us dismally in the end after casting our precious divine valuable votes, until after 5 years they come flooding our neighbourhood to sell us yet another lie, sugar coated with sweet pitches to make us belief we are KINGS & QUEENS or their domains.

Find Out Here More Compelling Reasons for Change - HERE

Isaac N. Khonjelwayo

(Push for Change)
